JaRoisin is certified yoga & sound therapist, trauma ~ sensitive yoga teacher, but above all wife of an amazing man and mom of one miracle. She has been teaching yoga and sound therapy focused on emotions and trauma for 20 years in yoga studios, hospitals, hospices, nursing homes, kindergartens, corporates, museums, schools and even prisons. Her teaching brings a unique perspective to those who seek more from yoga & sound therapy than making pretty shapes. In the lessons, she breaks overExpandance, acknowledges the spiral principle, awaken the inner anatomical wisdom and thus the healing power of the inner sounds through the outer sounds. She supports the fluidity transferred from the solid matter to the spongy substance. JaRoisin shows the inseparability of everything and everyone without separating the good and the bad. She emphasises the variety and, above all, the fluctuation between these sharp lines. She intensely cheers the kind acceptance of the self in all shades on all levels of being. JaRoisin now runs worldwide crystal bowl sound healer trainings and workshops, alongside writing poetry books and yoga books for kids.